Courtney Velasquez

We’ve Moved…

In Uncategorized on May 29, 2009 at 5:13 pm

You can now find The Digital Mommy @

Meet Amy Lupold Bair

In Uncategorized on May 11, 2009 at 1:44 pm




What is your blogs name and what is it about?

Resourceful Mommy – Resourceful parenting and organization advice, Disney planning trips, reviews and giveaways!

What do you think about the new Mommy Blogger title changing to Digital Mommy? 

I think that Digital Mommy is a much better term to encapsulate a diverse group of women!

What kind of cell phone do you own?

I just bought a Crackberry, um, Blackberry.  And I hate to admit it….but I LOVE it.

What do you use your cell phone for besides talking on?

I use it mostly to tweet and check e-mail, access the web – rarely for calls.

What is your favorite social media website?

I spend most of my time on Twitter, but I miss Facebook!  I’d like to get back to connecting there with old friends.

What are the three blogs you read on a consistent basis?,, and

   Do you shop online?  If so, what are your favorite online stores?

I used to shop online all of the time, but now I can’t find time to shop at all!

 What is your online schedule like on a typical day?

The mornings that my son is home with me – M/W/F – I do not get online until he goes down for his nap at 1:30.  Then I am online off and on the rest of the day…and night!

 What blogger do you feel you have learned the most from?

I’d say it’s a three way tie between Kelby Carr, Jessica Smith, and Amy Clark

 What is the one piece of advice you would give to a mom that is just starting out in the blogging world?

Read and talk to everyone you can!

What is your all time favorite book?

The book that I’ve gone back to and re-read the most is definitely Wuthering Heights.

 How do you balance your online life and your offline life? (or do you?)

Knowing when to say no is critical. It’s something I’m still working on.

What kind of car do you drive?

A very old Oldsmobile Silhouette mini van.  I have a Mustang Convertible in storage for when my days with car seats are over.

What cool features does your car have?  What cool features do you wish it had?

Cool features?  Well, when it still worked I liked that it told me the outside temperature.  That would be nice to have back again.

 Do you make money with your blog?

That’s a tough question, because I don’t directly, but I do indirectly, I suppose.  My business is SiteWarming Parties by Resourceful Mommy, but the blog itself isn’t monetized – no ads, no pay for post, etc.

 What gadget are you crushing on at the moment?

A mini laptop from HP.  I want one so bad it hurts.

Why do you think you influence so many people?

I think that because I am open and honest about who I am and what I can and can’t do, people appreciate my sincerity and take me seriously.

What projects/events/contests do you have going on that you’d like everyone to know about?

Right now my blog network, Momfluence ( is working on a couple of great campaigns.  Our tagline is “Rocking the Cradle and Shaping the World,” so we are especially happy to be helping promote the grassroots campaign, Speak Now for Kids (  We are also helping to launch a new site, Mamapedia (, and there is a great promotion attached.  More details are available at

Do you feel like your kid/ kids watch too much TV?

Yes, but they don’t watch that much.  Our limit is three short shows a day (23 min. each, commercial free), and we try to keep it to two.  It’s tough, though!  I’m hoping that the weather changing for the better will keep it to a minimum again!

What talk show host or news anchor would you love to be interviewed by?

Oh, that’s a good one.  Ellen.  Definitely Ellen.

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Win a SurfShelf!

In Uncategorized on May 9, 2009 at 10:35 pm

A digital mommy doesn’t have time to work, ack, YES she does!  Just because we spend 70%-80% of our time on the computer doesn’t mean we have to have a flabby butt, mushy belly and only have muscle tone in our fingers and forearms from tweeting, blogging and surfing!

The Digital Mommy uses her SurfShelf while on the treadmill or stationary bike. 

How would you like to win one??  Go to my other site… Giftfully Simple where I am giving one away to a lucky reader.  Good luck! (contest ends 5/11 @ midnight)